Entries by josephshome

Resident Programming: Innovation during the COVID-19 Pandemic

“Things are relatively calm and peaceful here, even amidst the chaos.” – Raven Kauffman, Respite Care Manager

As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues, residents at Joseph’s Home remain diligent with their social distancing but even still are finding ways to accomplish their goals and socialize with one another.

Staff Member Spotlight: Jeffrey Saunders

Peer Recovery Specialist Jeffrey Saunders is the newest member of the Joseph’s Home family. Jeffrey was hired in April, in the mist of the COVID-19 pandemic but has already brought a sense of support for the residents and alumni despite the challenges of the pandemic. In his role, Jeffrey serves as someone who shares some lived experience with residents and alumni, and who has undergone training to support those who struggle with substance use, mental health, or psychological trauma.

St. Angela Merici Confirmation Students Create Artwork for Joseph’s Home Residents to Combat Feelings of Isolation

A group of St. Angela Merici confirmation students created artwork and wrote notes of encouragement to the medically fragile men experiencing homelessness at Joseph’s Home.

Joseph’s Home residents and alumni are among the populations considered at high risk of complications from COVID-19. “For everyone’s safety, we are restricting outside visitors and all trips but for essential appointments,” said Joseph’s Home Executive Director Beth Graham. While Joseph’s Home staff and residents work diligently to maintain social distancing practices, limiting appointments and visitors, and suspending volunteer activities and programs, the risk of social isolation is high.

Fidelity Investments Donates Meal To Joseph’s Home Staff in Appreciation for Work on the Front Lines of Covid-19 Crisis

Fidelity Investments donated a meal to the Joseph’s Home staff, tirelessly working to care for the vulnerable, medically fragile men experiencing homelessness.

“The Joseph’s Home team has been working on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis to protect the health of our residents and continue their journey on a path toward self-sufficiency,” said Beth Graham, executive director of Joseph’s Home. “I am grateful for our team’s unwavering commitment to our men, despite the challenges of quarantines, heightened family responsibilities and working remotely.”

B’laster Corporation Donates Critical Hand Sanitizer To Joseph’s Home to Care for Homeless During Covid-19 Crisis

The B’laster Corporation (B’laster Corp.) has donated three cases of hand sanitizer to Joseph’s Home, a residential facility serving medically-fragile men experiencing homelessness. B’laster Corp. recently began sourcing and producing hand sanitizer in response to requests from its essential hardware retail customers and decided to manufacture additional sanitizer for donation. In total, B’laster Corp. will produce more than 22,000 bottles of sanitizer specifically earmarked for donation.

Joseph’s Home Awarded Greater Cleveland COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund Grant To Support Cleveland’s Homeless During Global Pandemic

Joseph’s Home has been awarded a $20,500 grant from Greater Cleveland COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund to support the purchase medical and disinfecting supplies for the medical respite shelter, help transition to mobile capabilities for staff and to expedite the relocation of medically at-risk clients in Cuyahoga County to permanent housing.

Westlake Patch: Joseph’s Home Gets Grants From Community West Foundation

CLEVELAND — The Community West Foundation, based in Westlake, has awarded a $6,000 grant to Joseph’s Home, a facility which cares for medically-vulnerable homeless men in Northeast Ohio.

“We are grateful for our long-standing partnership with Community West Foundation,” said Beth Graham, executive director of Joseph’s Home. “The foundation’s support has been critical to our efforts to assist some of our community’s most vulnerable regain their health and housing stability.”

Joseph’s Home Awarded Community West Foundation Grant

Joseph’s Home has been awarded a $6,000 grant from Community West Foundation, increasing this year’s total support from the foundation to $38,000. Since awarding its first grant to Joseph’s Home in 2007, Community West Foundation has provided more than $334,000 to assist medically-fragile men experiencing homelessness in Northeast Ohio.

“We are grateful for our long-standing partnership with Community West Foundation,” said Beth Graham, executive director of Joseph’s Home.