The Land: New Campaign Looks to Modernize Joseph’s Home, a Care Facility for Unhoused Clevelanders

The Land, a local nonprofit news organization that reports on Cleveland’s neighborhoods, recently published an article about Joseph & Mary’s Home and the launch of a campaign to raise money to renovate and relocate its facility for men. To support this transformational project, the “A New Home for Healing” Campaign has a goal of raising $2.5 million.

Campaign Launches to Modernize NE Ohio’s Only Facility to Care for Medically Fragile Men Experiencing Homelessness

Joseph & Mary’s Home, Cleveland’s only provider of post-hospital medical respite care for people experiencing homelessness, will begin construction in July to renovate and relocate its facility for men. To support this transformational project, “A New Home for Healing” Campaign has a goal of $2.5 million. To date, a total of $1.95 million has been raised, and Joseph & Mary’s Home is excited to announce a matching gift of $150,000 from the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine to inspire community support.

Staff Spotlight: Stanley Foster, Peer Recovery Supporter

Stanley Foster has long been drawn to the healing profession. Today, he uses his experience with recovery to help others on their recovery journeys as a peer recovery supporter at Joseph & Mary’s Home. He began working in the Sisters of Charity Health System as a chemical dependency counselor at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center in 2016. He became certified as a peer supporter in 2022 through the ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County and its OhioMAS Peer Recovery Supporter training.

The Journey: Joseph & Mary’s Home Adapts to Serve a Growing Population of Older Adults Experiencing Housing Instability

The recent issue of The Journey, the biannual newsletter of Joseph & Mary’s Home, features a cover article about how we are adapting to serve a growing population of older adults experiencing housing instability. The newsletter also reports on outcomes and financials from 2023, a donor spotlight on a couple with a giving spirit, the 2023 donor honor roll, a staff spotlight and news updates.

Alumni Spotlight: Animal Lover Elaine at Home with Her Health and New Bunny

Elaine has held many jobs throughout her life, including running a rescue farm and caring for horses for 18 years. COVID, a number of health issues and a series of unfortunate events changed that. After spending more than three years at a shelter, Elaine came to Mary’s Home to recover from COPD exacerbation. After stabilizing her health, Joseph & Mary’s Home staff connected her to permanent housing. With a place to call home, she was able to return to caring for animals, adopting a pet rabbit she named Precious Bunny. Both Elaine and Precious Bunny are enjoying all the space and natural light that her new apartment offers.

Beth Graham

Year in Review: Letter from Executive Director Beth Graham Celebrates Journeys of Hope in 2023

Executive Director Beth Graham wrote a year-in-review letter to share reflections on 2023 at Joseph & Mary’s Home and where the ministry is headed in 2024 and beyond.

2023 Joseph & Mary’s Home Angels: Thank You to Volunteers and In-Kind Gift Contributors

Many individuals and organizations touched the lives of Joseph & Mary’s Home residents this year by providing everything from daily essentials like toiletries, bedding and towels, to warm winter coats and hats. These gifts help us welcome new residents and meet their basic needs. We are also very grateful to all the donors who made Thanksgiving and Christmas extra special.

The Journey: Partnership with NEOCH Brings Care to Those Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness

The recent issue of The Journey newsletter features a cover article about our partnership with the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH) and how it brings care to those experiencing unsheltered homelessness. The newsletter also has a recap of the very successful Perseverance in Hope 2023 Benefit Luncheon, a staff spotlight on Medical Director Dr. Michael Seidman, a donor spotlight on a former intern, and news updates.

#weGIVECATHOLIC is Tuesday, November 28 with Early Giving Starting November 19

#weGIVECATHOLIC is a one-day giving event hosted by the Catholic Community Foundation that takes place on Giving Tuesday each year, which is November 28. It is a day dedicated to giving thanks and giving back. New this year, donors can give online early starting Sunday, November 19, to have their gift matched.

Perseverance in Hope 2023 Raises $111,350 to Support Healing and Assistance with Permanent Housing

“Things now are excellent. God has gifted me the entire way. I’m now a Tri-C graduate and I got the keys to my own apartment a week ago today. Everything has come together,” said Joseph & Mary’s Home alum Stuart Survance. Stuart spoke those words to 400 people at the Perseverance in Hope 2023 Benefit Luncheon at Windows on the River in Cleveland on October 12. The luncheon set a new record by raising $111,350 to support healing and assistance with permanent housing.